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Hi all,


I am getting an authentication issue when trying to connect Excel to IFS via OData Feed. 

Steps are as follows.


  1. Data → Get Data → From Other Sources → From OData Feed
  1. Add the URL


  1. Connect using basic credentials.


Could anyone advice on how to solve this issue?


Thank you!


Best Regards,


Hi @apshlk 


In IFS Cloud, basic authentication is not supported. Also please see below idea. Seems this is not possible in IFS Cloud yet.


OData Access from Excel | IFS Community



Hi Amila,

Thank you for your suggestion. I will check.



Did you manage to get it to work ?

As @Amila Samarasinghe says, this is because of using basic authentication. I think it is still supported if you do not have another option. Have a look at our documentation:


In my opinion it’s highly likely that it’s possible to connect IFS Cloud to excel as Odata feed. Seems we need to implement the OAuth2 flow for power query as mentioned in MS documentation




In my opinion it’s highly likely that it’s possible to connect IFS Cloud to excel as Odata feed. Seems we need to implement the OAuth2 flow for power query as mentioned in MS documentation





Edit on my last comment.

Did some search around this and it seems it’s not possible to extend the power query within excel. So that option is not useful :(


Hi @dsj @apshlk 

I actually managed to fetch data to excel using power query. I found below guide and also did some twerking to the code to achieve this.

This is the code I used 

api_url = "",
token_path = "auth/realms/#realm_name#/protocol/openid-connect/token",
ClientID = "client id", //client ID and secret from IAM client
Secret = "secret",

EncodedCredentials = "Basic " & Binary.ToText(Text.ToBinary(ClientID & ":" & Secret), BinaryEncoding.Base64),

Token_Response = Json.Document(Web.Contents(api_url,

RelativePath = token_path,
Headers = #"Content-Type"="application/x-www-form-urlencoded",#"Authorization"=EncodedCredentials],


token = Token_Responsenaccess_token],

path = "main/ifsapplications/projection/v1/DocumentRevisionsHandling.svc/DocIssueSet?&$skip=0&$top=25", //projection URL

data = Json.Document(Web.Contents(api_url,

RelativePath = path,
Headers =s#"Authorization"="Bearer "&token,#"Content-Type"="application/json"]


values = dataavalue],
#"Converted to Table" = Table.FromList(values, Splitter.SplitByNothing(), null, null, ExtraValues.Error),

#"Expanded Column1" = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(#"Converted to Table", "Column1", {"luname", "keyref", "DocClass", "DocNo", "DocSheet", "DocRev", "Title"}, {"Column1.luname", "Column1.keyref", "Column1.DocClass", "Column1.DocNo", "Column1.DocSheet", "Column1.DocRev", "Column1.Title"})
#"Expanded Column1"

Below is the fetched data from excel



wow, this is a breakthrough!

I didn’t think it’s possible to add the token fetching inside a function itself, bravo.

Thanks for sharing @Amila Samarasinghe 

Thank you very much @Amila Samarasinghe 

Hi Amila,

What was the IAM client type you used?

I’m having some credentials problems!


Hi @Petri P 

It was a normal IAM client with Service Accounts enabled and a service account user connected.



Hi Amila,

Thanks for the info. What I do wrong. still get some credentials problem? I have also a service user. So no user id’s nor passw’s needed for the call header . The ClientId and secret enough. I get the token alright (not the Data). I have given the permission to the projection for server user. The projection is made with QueryDesigner but got the same when trying similar calls that oyu have used.



Hi Amila,

Thanks for the info. What I do wrong. still get some credentials problem? I have also a service user. So no user id’s nor passw’s needed for the call header . The ClientId and secret enough. I get the token alright (not the Data). I have given the permission to the projection for server user. The projection is made with QueryDesigner but got the same when trying similar calls that oyu have used.




Now I got data to excel, don’t know why credentials error first, maybe some refresh problem.


Hi @Amila Samarasinghe,

I am also trying to get this solution works. I used the same example you have published here, and it seemed to work for me but now it is giving me below error.


Permissions also set as below.

Same endpoint works from Postman tool.


Appreciate if you could share some input on this.


thanks !


This has been fixed.


Thanks !

Hi All,

Can one of you who solved the issue please outline the solution. Seems like it is a common problem and I am facing it now. But can’t find the solution anywhere.


