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Are there any good news about the Aurena bot setup documentation? 3 years ago, someone asked on the forum how to activate the aurena bot, but no documentation has been published yet. If it is easy to install, we want to try it in the test environment.




Just I saw below topic. There is info about this subject. Aurena bot has not been unsupported since 22R1.

I looked to delete this topic but I didnt see a delete function. If it is possible. You can delete this topic.

Kind Regards.





This is correct, the Aurena Bot was deprecated a couple of years ago, so you should look at the IFS Copilot capabilities since this is based on newer technology and will be further enhance in coming updates.



Hi Antony,

Thank you for your answer. Are there any way to use it on IFS10 update 10?


I am not sure to be honest, based on this other post…


It would be nice if I had access to this link. 🙂 I think it's a page allowed for IFS employees and partners. I understood the situation. It probably doesn't support it. Thanks for information.


Kind Regards.
