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I wanted to pass parameter value in continuation with Message_Sys.Add_Atribute method in dialogbox

Message_Sys.Add_Attribute(Valriable_, Name_, Value_);

then it’s contain value like ‘$VARIABLE=VALUE’ but i wanted to like ‘-$VARIBALE=VALUE’

‘-$’ this symbol indicate value with continuation and i wanted it.


 c_ VARCHAR2(32000) := '!OBJ_VAL_CHANGE
'; --p2






You should first construct the message and then add attributes.

         note_ := Message_SYS.Construct('NOTIFY_ME_NOTE');
         Message_SYS.Add_Attribute(note_, 'INDEX', index_);

The message is a string so you can do direct string manipulation if you prefer that.

When i using it. “        

note_ := Message_SYS.Construct('NOTIFY_ME_NOTE');
Message_SYS.Add_Attribute(note_, 'INDEX', index_);  “


Output is like  $INDEX=index_.  but i want in following manner  :    -$INDEX=index_ 

Please consider just before dollor sign.