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Active Directory syncronization in apps9




I have been able to synchronize a couple of test users from our AD into IFS but when logging in thru IFS Enterprise Explorer the credentials are not accepted (invalid username or password)


I am using samaccountanme to map Identity, DirectoryId and PersonId. 



I have the impression the domain is missing at some point:



When logging in I have tried the following options:


I cannot thru this last screen set the Domain to indicate our company name, not sure that would be needed


Thank you for your ideas and support,


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Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • April 7, 2021

Might come cross as a simple question, but have you already set AD Server details in the configuration screen for the instance in question?


Chandana Gunasekara
Hero (Employee)



 I suspect this is due to  a Identity matching issue.

Please check in your F1 technical documentation as shown in the below.

check for the checklist section.

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • April 8, 2021
Srikanth wrote:

Might come cross as a simple question, but have you already set AD Server details in the configuration screen for the instance in question?



Thank you for your note! I have configured it at application level in the option “active directory syncronization” and in fact the users details are being updated thru LDAP correctly. It is the later login in the application that does not work. Is there any other setting at server level to be performing?

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • April 8, 2021
Chguus wrote:



 I suspect this is due to  a Identity matching issue.

Please check in your F1 technical documentation as shown in the below.

check for the checklist section.


Yes, I followed the steps, I ran the synchronization without any issue but later on on the login screen for the users the Windows credentials are not being taken. 

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • April 8, 2021

Did you try logging in with domain_name\user-name or user_name@domain_name for User Name?

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • April 8, 2021

Yes, I tried both

Yasas Kasthuriarachchi
Superhero (Employee)

HI @riberm1,
Just wondering if you tried in uppercase (Capital letters) to enter username and password? If not you could try that as well because I see lowercase in screen capture username just incase
Also refer : Prepare Active Directory and Active Directory and Single Sign-on Considerations
Best Regards,

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • April 9, 2021
Yasas_AK wrote:

HI @riberm1,
Just wondering if you tried in uppercase (Capital letters) to enter username and password? If not you could try that as well because I see lowercase in screen capture username just incase
Also refer : Prepare Active Directory and Active Directory and Single Sign-on Considerations
Best Regards,

Yes, I checked both articles, in fact the LDAP connection works because I have been able to create new users and update the attributes of existing ones running the syncronization. I have also tried to login with the capital letters. I have the impression the “domain” is missing in the login, and I don´t know where this is being set up

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