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 When creating custom attributes, for inbuilt enumerations, I can use:



But when I create a custom enumeration and try to use the same expression, it gives me errors.

Any idea on how to access a custom enumeration using a statement?

CUSTOM_ENUMERATION_API"."DECODE": invalid identifier


Please help

shared with @deshan.ekanayake @Pushpa Veerappan @Jitharie @Madawa Boragolla - Please try to answer Kalindu 🙂.

Hello Mayura!!!!! :)
Really nice to hear from you!  

Thank you!

 Nevermind, I figured it out. It should be:


Thank you!

Hello Mayura!!!!! :)
Really nice to hear from you!  

Thank you!


I’ve used something like:

select db_value from CUSTOM_FIELD_ENUM_VALUES

where lu = 'CUSTOM_ENUM_NAME'

Replacing “CUSTOM_ENUM_NAME” with the actual name of the enumeration. Nice and simple. There’s probably a more elegant way using an API, but..
