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We have a new integration which creates Absence registrations in our Apps 10 environment via the REST API.

These registrations do not appear on the Resource Monitoring Gantt though.

If I manually create a registration in Apps 10 with the exact same Absence parameters, it appears on the Gantt almost immediately.

I don’t see anything obvious in the database rows to indicate difference.

Is there an additional task we need to complete to have the absence show on the Resource Monitoring Gantt?

All 3 registrations in IFS:


Database output from the ABSENCE_REGISTRATION view:


Resource Monitoring Gantt output


Are you using a standard API call or a custom API to insert the data?

Are you using a standard API call or a custom API to insert the data?

Hi @Shehan Chandrasekara, just the standard API using the /AbsenceHandling.svc/AbsenceRegistrations projection.

We are on Apps 10 u15.

I’ve made another finding, if you save the record within Apps, it then appears on the Gantt:



I have somewhat solved the problem with a workaround, although I think there is a bug in Apps 10u15.

The workaround solution was to set the AbsenceRegistrationType field value on the generated Absence Registrations to Manual instead of Imported.

They immediately appear on the Gantt if created this way.

According to the API documentation though, Imported is a valid value, so I think the issue of the registrations of type Imported not appearing on the Gantt might be a bug in Apps 10.

Found the proper solution thanks to @Darshana Herath:

The ActualDateFrom and ActualDateTo fields must also be set (in addition to DateFrom and DateTo) if you want registrations of type Imported to appear on the Gantt.

