Is it possible to create a list of values in Aurena (IFS Cloud) in which the selection of the view used is not explicit but retrieved with the function ?
In enterprise explorer app10 and the cs file is like this:
private void dfsValidateKeyRef_OnPM_DataItemLov(object sender, WindowActionsEventArgs e)
{BaseViewName} := &AO.C_Data_Access_Rule_API.Get_Base_View_Name({ViewName} IN);
END;", namedBindVariables);
this.dfsValidateKeyRef.RuntimeLovReference = sBaseViewName;
The question is how to implement such functionality in Aurena (and whether it can be done).
Lists of values in Aurena that I found use explicit view specification, e.g.:
query CViewNameRefLov {
from = "C_DAR_VIEW_LOV";
// not possible (error): from = ViewNameVariable;
lu = none;
where = "LU_NAME is not NULL";
keys = LuName, ViewName;
There is also the “lovswitch” instruction, which gives you the option of choosing one of the values from the list, but also with the explicitly indicated view.
Witold Wróbel