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It could be confusing how the HA setup should be completed. Following is a summary of steps you can follow to achieve HA setup  on IFS Cloud 23R1

  1. Fill in 'Linuxhost' and 'Nodes' variables in main_config.json
  2. Enable Following Ports on all 3 Nodes
  • TCP 10250,10255,10257,10259,12379,16443,19001,25000
  • UDP 4789
  1. .\main.ps1 -resource 'INIT'
  1. .\main.ps1 -resource 'KEY' (This will generate ssh keys for all 3 nodes)
  1. .\main.ps1 -resource 'KUBERNETES' (this will install kubernetes on all 3 nodes)

Add nodes (.\main.ps1 -resource 'JOINNODE' didn't work that well - so used the following method)

  1. SSH to Node1
    • sudo microk8s add-node
  2. SSH to Node 2
    • Run the relevant microk8s join command copied from above
    • (i.e. microk8s join
  3. SSH to Node1
    1. sudo microk8s add-node
  4. SSH to Node 3
    1. Run the relevant microk8s join command copied from above

At this point all 3 nodes should be in control plan and should see the same POD details if checked on individual nodes. And kubectl get node should show all 3 nodes in the cluster.


From here onwards, running following comands will impact the whole cluster, regardless from which node you execute them.

  1. .\main.ps1 -resource 'GETKUBECONFIG' (this will get the config file from the node 1 of the node array defined in 'Nodes' variable)
  2. .\main.ps1 -resource "DISABLEAPPARMORPROFILE" (this will run command on all 3 nodes)
  3. .\main.ps1 -resource "SETK8SDNS"
  4. .\main.ps1 -resource "INGRESS"
  5. .\main.ps1 -resource "STORAGE"
  6. Install Cloud MT using: .\installer.cmd --set action=mtinstaller


Hi Ravi,

Thank you for sharing the valuable information regarding the MicroK8s issue. We have encountered the same problem. Running the command .\main.ps1 -resource 'JOINNODE' causes MicroK8s to crash on secondary nodes, preventing it from starting again.

As you mentioned, manually joining the nodes and then proceeding with the rest of the deployments resolves the issue.

IFSCloud Version : 23R2 SU6
