This is how I'm using the POSTMAN tool to check restful methods (POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE). (I'll proceed with this testing using the 'Inventory Part Maint Info' page in Aurena)
The first step should be finding the SOAP gateway. To find that there are two ways.
- In Aurena Search for the API Explorer-> search for required projection. (In this case, I'm searching for the 'MaintInventoryPartHandling' projection).
- Open the debug console→ Server invoke → Click API Explorer→ click Open in API Explorer. (This would be the easiest way to open it).

Afterward, check the ' Include in Compatibility Application Type' is 'Yes' or 'No'. If it is No, change it to Yes by RMB on the line and click the 'Include in Compatibility Application Type' option.

Then, you can open the API Doc by RMB on the line → Documentation → API Doc [Compatibility Application Type (Int)]. Provide the credentials which are used to log into Aurena.

By opening Debug console in Aurena, if you refresh the page you can get the API Request. From that, you can find the handler.

From the API Doc search for the handler. Then you will get all the API methods that can be used in Aurena.

POST method is used to create a new resource.
- From API Doc select the post method and copy the request.
- Open the POSTMAN tool and click 'Add Request and paste the copied request and set the request as POST.
- Copy the payload by hitting the 'Copy' link.
- Paste it into the body section and provide the necessary data.
- Change the Authentication type into Basic Auth and provide credentials.
- Click send button. Bottom of the tool you will get the response.
The following two images will show all the above steps(Numbers are included).

GET method is used to retrieve values.
- All the records.
- Copy the request from the API doc, add it to the POSTMAN, and change the request type into GET.
- By Key
- Copy the request from the API doc, add it to the POSTMAN, and change the request type into GET. Need to pass Primary keys
PATCH method is used to update values.
- Copy the request from the API doc, add it to the POSTMAN, and change the request type into PATCH and set the Key values.
- In the Body Section, add fields you need to update. Make sure to add it as a JSON value.

DELETE Method is used to remove values.
- Copy the request from the API doc, add it to the POSTMAN, and change the request type into DELETE and set the Key values.
- In the Header section, add a new parameter call 'If-Match'(If does not exist) and set values as '*'

This is an example, how to use POSTMAN along with the Aurena for restful API service testing.
I think this document may help you to do Restful API testing.
I would like to know other ways of doing Restful testing. If you have ideas, I would please to welcome them.