This article will show you how to start a new topic on our community.
Note: Please use the search function on the main page first to see if your question is being discussed in an already existing topic.
Finding the right place for your topic
First, you will have to select the correct category your question is related to.
Once you are in the right Category and Board, you can simply click on "Create topic" next to your profile picture:

Choose if your topic is a question or a conversation
Decide if your topic is a question or a conversation. A conversation is a normal discussion topic. If you make your topic a question, you can mark a reply from another user as the best answer. This will help other users who are having the same question to find the solution quicker. For more details regarding “Best answer” please refer to the article - The 'Best Answer' Feature: Benefits, Functionality
Create a title
Now you will have to define a title for your topic - choose a title which is short but descriptive. It should summarize what your topic is about: include the name of the product or the service, if applicable. This way other users can see directly if they are able to help you.
Describe what your topic is about
Describe your issue as detailed as possible. Other users can help you better when they know what you are trying to do (and where you do not get any further). Please don't share any private information (email address, phone number, etc.), as all this information will be shared in public.
Tip: You can also add images and videos to your question, see here (add link to “how to attach images and videos to your post”) for a detailed tutorial.
Add Tags
If possible, add tags which are describing your topic in keywords. This will help other users to find your topic a lot quicker.
Should there be any questions or problems, please let us know!
the Community Team