We are in Apps 10 and want to implement Voucher approval workflow for Voucher Type M and Voucher Type Q, instead of these Vouchers automatically going to Approved status. We normally use External File upload to upload Q vouchers.
First question: I see Ext Voucher Type Q specified as the default. If I wish to use External Voucher Assistant to upload a file of ‘M’ type Vouchers, where do I specify to use Load Type 2 (to load Ms) instead of the default?
Uploading Q (default) Voucher Types does NOT result in ‘Voucher Postings’ (tab) - only ‘Voucher Rows’. ‘Voucher Row’ data is grayed out/not editable, but Voucher Postings can be edited (in the case that the approver requires a change to the Voucher amount, etc.) Why does Voucher TYpe Q not result in Voucher Postings? Can we/how can we change that?
Thanks for any advice anyone has.
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When it comes to External voucher assistant. You can select required voucher load type at moment of uploading the file to system ( Seach External voucher assistant in Navigator )
Further, data in the Voucher Postings tab is shown only in the case of Manual vouchers where the entries are made manually.
You can edit uploaded voucher details when status is “loaded” at External voucher window which will be leaded from below RMB ( Right mouse button option )
And make sure, following checkbox is not selected, if you wish to edit at load status.
Hope this helps you.
Please find below answers for your questions
Default load type issue
As per your screenshot you have selected Load type 1 as the default load type. Hence, it is getting selected as ‘default’ load type in ‘External Voucher Assistant’.
So, you may select ‘load type 2’ as the default type should you wish to do so. Then it would automatically appear as the ‘Load Type’ in ‘External Voucher Assistant’.
Otherwise, as suggested above, you could also change it manually (using ‘LOV’) at the time of loading the files as well.
Voucher postings issue
Are you referring to having ‘voucher postings’ as shown in below voucher entry window?
If so, that option isn’t available for vouchers created from ‘external voucher load information’. Instead, created voucher would directly appear under ‘view voucher rows’ tab in ‘voucher entry’ window as shown below,
Editing voucher details
If you want to edit voucher details, then that will have to be done via ‘external voucher load information’ window, before creating the voucher. This is controlled via ‘create when checked’ checkbox.
If you select this checkbox, then the voucher would get created automatically once loaded (provided no errors in the input file). Therefore, if you want to edit the voucher, before creating it, you may adapt either of below options,
Untick the checkbox ‘create when checked’ from ‘external voucher basic data’ window itself or
Select ‘false’ at the time of loading the file from below window.
Hope this would be helpful
Best Regards
Thank you both for the quick and helpful details! both are ‘Best answers’ with different hints
What we are looking for is for an Approver (for example, our Controller) to be able to either 1) add notes to a Voucher and set the status to Not Approved, until the Voucher entry person makes a correction or 2) the Approver themselves could make the correction then approve. If I understand your information about the ‘Create when Checked’ option correctly, that still only allows the person doing the upload to make corrections. True?
Thank you
If you are looking for an approval flow for M and Q Vouchers instead of the Voucher automatically going to Approved status”, you could also consider linking the two user groups belonging to the person who enters the voucher and the person who should approve the voucher to the Voucher types Q/M in the following manner, using the below steps:
- Go to Voucher type window and RMB on the window and select Voucher Series
- Select the Year and RMB on the line and RMB and click on ‘User Group per Voucher Series’
- Set the ‘Authorization level’ of the User Group of the person who has to Enter the voucher as ‘Enter Only’ & - Set the ‘Authorization level’ of the user group of the person who has to Approve the voucher as ‘Enter and Approve’
Setting the Authorization Level of the user group belonging to the Approver to ‘Enter and Approve’ should allow the approver to:
1) add notes to a Voucher and set the status to Not Approved, until the Voucher entry person makes a correction or
2) the Approver themselves could make the correction then approve.
These are simple settings for authorization workflows. If you have not done the above settings yet, this could be helpful to you.
Best Regards,
Hakeem Sulaiman
Thank you for this option, Hakeem. We will try this in our Test environment. One question: where would either the approver or the Voucher Entry person make any necessary changes/corrections? on the Voucher Rows tab? This tab says View so I assume not. I am guessing there is nothing on the Voucher Postings tab so they cannot make the changes there (as I had hoped they could)
I was able to correct the voucher amounts, code part values, accounts and tax code through the voucher postings tab (as the approver)
Further I was able to add a note too.
After this I put the status of the voucher to Approved, and saved it and it went into approved state
Hope this is possible for you
Best Regards,
Thanks, Hakeem. We have been able to do the same thing to update , correct and add notes for manually entered vouchers. Our issue is how to do the same for those uploaded with the External Voucher Assistant tool. A previous reply discussed the setting ‘Create when Checked’, that will not create the Voucher if it is unchecked. The problem with that (unless I am missing something) is even if this is UNchecked, the approver cannot see them and mark them as needing changes. The only option on the External Vouchers screen is Change Company.
We really need the External Vouchers that have been uploaded to come to this screen (just like manually created vouchers) so the Approver can review them and suggest corrections (via notes) prior to approving. This works great for manually entered Vouchers but not for the External File Vouchers.
Thank you
Is it possible to create an assistant / wizard to approve vouchers ?