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Anyone has a guide on how to use parked payment in Cloud 22R1

Hi Chamaka,

a parked payment is a customer/supplier payment (e.g. from mixed payment) that is not matched against a specific customer/supplier or invoice. IRL you dont know who did this payment. That item is just related to the company in which it has been posted. It is posted with PP9/PP10 when it is received.

It is always shown in the LOV of open items (with the company id as customer/supplier ID) and it can be matched/offset against any open item (customer/supplier). When matched PP9/PP10 will be cleared.

Does that answer your question?



Hi @Ralph Gericke,

Is it possible to just move the Parked Payment to a Customer/Supplier account rather than against an open item?


Yes it is :)

Example for a customer parked payment

Create a mixed payment with a customer payment and amount 0,00 (use the customer where the parked payment should be moved to)

In the matching create a new line with (New Item) - you will see that CUDIFFINV and Series CF is defaulted - Enter the amount and add the parked payment as well

Parked Payment is now offset

and “moved” as a difference item on the selected customer

For a better tracebility of these items you can create multiple Invoice Series with a “meaning” and if you don’t add a number series you can enter information to be shown with the item

You will see the additional information instead of a simple numbering

