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In Finland the common vat rate will increase on 1.9.2024.

I have created the new tax code 25,5 valid from 1.9.2024.

Because I have set valid date 1.9.2024,.IFS does not allow us to change the Tax Code to Supplier basic data today, because the valid date 1.9.2024.

I can’t change the valid date from either.

we have used

How to solve this?




Hi @TaMa 

You cannot modify the ‘valid from’ date of a tax code. Your only option is to update the ‘valid to’ date for the existing tax code (making it expired) and then create a new tax code. Additionally, the system permits adding tax codes for a supplier starting from the valid date of the tax code. If you require further assistance, feel free to ask.


Best Regards,



Thank you,


regards Tarja
