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Supplier Payment Rollback - Partial Payment

  • September 27, 2019
  • 2 replies

Kalhari Dissanayake
Hero (Customer)
Booking Control Supplier Partial Rollback: In the case of "Supplier Payment Rollback - Partial Payment", we already have the problem in IFS7.5 that the lump-sum partial payment is not posted back to the supplier, but to the company ID.

The fault is the booking control PP9, because this is not can be set equal (according to supplier group) posting control IP1.

Please advise on how this can be corrected.

Best answer by Kalhari Dissanayake

Supplier payments can be revered using “Rollback Supplier Payment” functionality. There, we have two options - Rollback Complete Payment, Rollback Partial Payment.

When “Rollback Supplier Payment” is used supplier’s liability (IP1) will be reversed irrespective of the rollback method used (Complete Rollback or Partial Rollback). The only difference is in the corresponding debit entry.

If supplier payment is completely rolled back, Cash posting (PP1) will be completely revered. However, for a partial rollback cash posting (PP1) will not be revered, instead a parked payment will be crated (PP9).
When we create a Parked Payment in our application company ID will be fetched as customer or supplier identity. Since there is no customer/supplier it is not possible to assign supplier/customer group as control type for parked payment posting (PP9).
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2 replies

Kalhari Dissanayake
Hero (Customer)
Supplier payments can be revered using “Rollback Supplier Payment” functionality. There, we have two options - Rollback Complete Payment, Rollback Partial Payment.

When “Rollback Supplier Payment” is used supplier’s liability (IP1) will be reversed irrespective of the rollback method used (Complete Rollback or Partial Rollback). The only difference is in the corresponding debit entry.

If supplier payment is completely rolled back, Cash posting (PP1) will be completely revered. However, for a partial rollback cash posting (PP1) will not be revered, instead a parked payment will be crated (PP9).
When we create a Parked Payment in our application company ID will be fetched as customer or supplier identity. Since there is no customer/supplier it is not possible to assign supplier/customer group as control type for parked payment posting (PP9).

  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • 5 replies
  • October 4, 2019
This has been an issue in several customer and there is always a problem later to track all the parked payments that were created if the user rollbacks partial payments.
Although functionality exists, I would really recommend not to use it if there is no responsible to do the proper follow up for the parked payments created.
We always advise this and rollback complete payments since that is the only way to actually reopen the corresponding AP/AR included in that payment


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