I have a question about invoices import using STDCIN1.
The template works fine when I import a single invoice including when it have multiple lines
But when I try to import multiple invoices i get imports errors.
Any thoughts why ?
Best regards
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Are you using the Standard (IFS) template or a copy?
The standard template should work as is. If you made a copy of the template (depending on how the copy was created) you should make sure the settings are similar to the image. One time 20 years ago, a coworker manually made a new template and the setting blocked loading a second invoice.
The data needs to look something like the below. This is just a sample so you can see how multiple invoices should look for that template.
The below does not have the tax records, it’s an example of the structure for a file with multiple invoices.
The client provided me 3 different files, one with all the H, one with all the I lines and a last one with the P
do you use a macro or powerquery to put the lines in the order required by IFS ?
Best regards
I always instruct the client to create a data structure I can use. We first decide a file template either based on the HTP type template or the all in one type. You can see the different options between the templates STDCIN1 and STDCIN2. I’ve used both, but for different reasons. To load open AR, I believe the all in one is easier, but when creating an interface type solution, the separate record types is easier. Both templates include many attributes that are optional. For example, in the all in one style template, the minimum number of attributes is something less than 20, so my template is far smaller / easier.
We start with a small handful of invoices, work the process and attributes, Once the file structure is clean and tested, then we look for large volume.
I've never needed to merge bad data like that from a client. I request / receive clean data.
But if we never guided the client what they need to provide, then you get what they give.