Which table or combination of tables would provide us with the best view to see the margin made on the sale of each individual serial?
So far I cannot see a connection from the
That stays at a serial level.
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Hi Danny,
this issue took weeks of development for our german customer! You will see in the ITH = Inventory_transaction_history(_tab) in Source_ref1 to 4 OrderNo, LineNo, RelNo. This you connect to COL = CustomerOrderLine BUT….. :-)
as you can see, we created a hlp_Sum_ShipmentLines because one COL could be connected to more than on SPL = ShipmentLine.
We split the costs into different buckets:
So controlling could not only see COSTs but CostLaborRuntime, etc.
Hope that idea helps.
All the best Michael
Hello, Instead of GEN_LED_VOUCHER_ROW_UNION_QRY, you should look on INV_ACCOUNTING_ROW (we have reference to voucher there).
And we have customer delivery to connect shipment transaction to customer invoice:
select * FROM customer_order_delivery_tab cod, cust_delivery_inv_ref_tab cdi WHERE cod.deliv_no = cdi.deliv_no
Please do not forget about return process (Return Material Authorization).it has its own link between transaction and invoice