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Reopening cancelled Customer Order

Sidekick (Customer)

Hi IFS Community Members,


We are using staged billing profiles in customer order lines. Due to the size and complexity of our projects, there may be more than 20 staged billing lines per profile.


Recently a customer order line was cancelled accidentally while the staged billing profile still had both invoiced, uninvoiced and open staged billing lines. Because the cancelled order line wast the last one in the order the entire customer order changed to cancelled. Instead of creating a completely new customer order, we would like to utilize the exiting customer order and the exiting staged billing profile.


What we’d like to hear is:

  • is there a any way to reopen a cancelled customer order/order line
  • is it possible to prevent customer order cancellation if it has uninvoiced staged billing lines


For reference, we are using IFS 9 and update 14.


Many thanks in advance,


Best answer by Lauri



Adding new lines is not allowed when the customer order is in cancelled status. In fact system does not allow any changes including reopening the customer when it is in cancelled status.

Reopening a customer order does not seem technically too complex feature, hance I have become to think such flexibility was intentionally left out of the design. Hopefylly someone can prove me wrong.


Just to reiterate, the customer order status changed to cancelled when the last open line was cancelled. Had there still been one open line left in the order  the customer order status would not have been affected by a single line cancellation.


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Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • April 27, 2020

I am not as familiar with Apps 9 but have you tried adding a line to the customer order?

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • April 27, 2020



Adding new lines is not allowed when the customer order is in cancelled status. In fact system does not allow any changes including reopening the customer when it is in cancelled status.

Reopening a customer order does not seem technically too complex feature, hance I have become to think such flexibility was intentionally left out of the design. Hopefylly someone can prove me wrong.


Just to reiterate, the customer order status changed to cancelled when the last open line was cancelled. Had there still been one open line left in the order  the customer order status would not have been affected by a single line cancellation.


Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • April 28, 2020

The question is not solved yet. Can anyone help?


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