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I have a query regarding withholding tax voucher cancellation.


For me, B voucher is created automatically for withholding tax once the customer invoice is posted. But I want to cancel this voucher as it contains some error in amount field.

But, I am not getting any option for reversing the entries.


Note: The Voucher created is in Approved State. It is not updated to GL.

Need a solution asap.


@ Rakesh,

For instant invoice, you have the option of using ‘Correction Invoice” to reverse the original WHT payment.

Refer the following steps;

Create an Instant Invoice with a WHT enabled Customer -> RMB “Print/ Send  Invoice” → Invoice created with WHT amount (Refer Instant Invoice II 2020000148 in APP10 Regional TEST CMB in Company 10)

Create a Correction Invoice


View the Correction Invoice → Remove the first line with + amounts (with + Quantity) and leave the second line with - amounts (with - Quantity; which is the reversal transaction line) 

RMB “Print Invoice” -> Invoice will be set to “PartlyPaidPosted” state.

Then check the posting by querying for Reference Number: 2020000148;2020000149 → WHT has been successfully reversed together with the original invoiced amount as folllows;

Best Regards,



Explanation with screen shots in Core given in page 2 of this conversation.

Hope it helps.

Best Regards,



Thank u so much @Rasangi Tilakaratne for the explanation.