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Problem Clearing Remaining Balance


A supplier invoice was matched in mixed payments with a remaining balance. There is a debit and a credit balance showing in supplier offset but when I try to clear the remaining balance there I get the following message: ‘Invoice cannot be cleared in supplier offset because it is used in a Manual Supplier payment/supplier offset/Netting Preliminary payment. Is there another way to clear this?

Best answer by lynnship

Thanks Chris!



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4 replies

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 18 replies
  • January 29, 2025

Hi lynnship,

This means that the remaining balance is being used in either a Supplier Payment, Supplier Offset or Netting which is in a Not Approved state - so the Supplier Payment/Offset/Netting has been entered and Saved, but not yet Approved.

I would suggest searching in the Supplier Payment screen for all Supplier Payments with a Payment Status of “Not Approved” - if any are found, then check the Transactions tab to see if this remaining balance is included there. If it is, then delete that Not Approved Supplier Payment and you will then be able to do your Supplier Offset.

If nothing is found in Supplier Payment, then repeat with Supplier Offset and then Netting.

Once your remaining balance has been removed from the existing Not Approved transaction, then you will be able to process a Supplier Offset.


  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 2 replies
  • January 29, 2025

Hi.  Thank you so much.  That worked to allow me to choose the debit and credit transactions for this payment in the Supplier Offset window, but I can’t complete the Supplier Offset to clear it.  I received the message ‘Voucher Type AM is used specifically by cash account(s) connected to Institute (our bank name) and cannot be used for this type of transaction.’  Payment for the invoice was made before the goods were received into IFS and reconciling the payment with the invoice in Mixed Payments was not allowed because the payment voucher date was earlier than the goods receipt date.  Do I need to cancel the mixed payment statement for that day, re-enter the transactions, changing the payment type from Supplier invoice to ‘Direct Cash Payment’ then complete the Supplier Offset?

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 18 replies
  • January 30, 2025


The Voucher Type AM is not a standard IFS Voucher Type, so I am guessing there is some configuration in place.

My first suggestion would be to check on the Voucher Type on the new Supplier Offset that you are creating. There is a field called “Voucher Type” (see red box in below example)

On your new Supplier Offset, does this field contain AM? If so, try changing it to U and then approving the Supplier Offset.


If the above does not work, then I would suggest creating a new Mixed Payment (with today’s date), which just has one row on the Transactions tab. This one row would have a Transaction Type of Enter Supplier Payment, the Supplier ID entered in the Payer/Payee ID, and would have an amount of 0. It should then be possible to use the Sel Batch button at the bottom to match together the invoice and payment.


  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 2 replies
  • Answer
  • February 7, 2025

Thanks Chris!




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