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Preliminary Invoice - Issue

  • September 10, 2024
  • 6 replies

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 12 replies

Hi Everyone, 

Wondering if you can shed some light on next steps that should be taken to rectify this issue one of our users is experiencing. Here is the breakdown:

-Posted supplier invoice in July using the “prelim post” this created a voucher for $26738.59.

 -In Aug when the invoice came in, he noticed the amount was different than what he posted, so he altered the gross amount to $26,672.11 then final posted the invoice, which then created another voucher and a discrepancy of $66.48 in the ledger.

 -He then cancelled that whole invoice and tried to do the manual supplier invoice over again (maybe used cancel and create?) using gross amount $26738.59 in hopes to change it to the correct amount, but cannot. 

 *When there is a prelim posted invoice, you cannot change the gross amount.

I am not as strong on the accounting side, could someone assist on what steps we should take next?
If you need more information I can provide! 


6 replies

  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • 35 replies
  • September 10, 2024


What is the accounting currency? where the discrepancy due to currencies?

Do you have print screen over voucher I and J?



  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 12 replies
  • September 10, 2024

This is what was provided by the user- Attached! 


  • 15 replies
  • September 12, 2024

Hi @MelKing , it looks the user might be saving the invoice directly after the Cancel-Create → which will take the invoice to ‘PrelPosted’ status, and the invoice amount cannot be edited then.


‘Posted’ in ‘PrelPosted’ essentially means the I voucher is posted and cannot be edited further.


Next Steps:

  1. Cancel and Create - don’t save yet
  2. Change the amount as required on the line
  3. A popup should appear mentioning that line and header balances are different and if the line balances should be copied over to header - say Yes.
  4. Save

If the above is a lot to deal with, the user can just cancel the invoice, in the next step, create a new one manually with the desired amount.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 12 replies
  • September 12, 2024

The issue is that this created an additional K voucher in 1310 with the discrepancy. 
He did a prelim post (RMB, POST INVOICE) which created the initial vouchers. 
I confirmed he did not do a cancel/create.

We may have to get IFS involved, we have had all our accountants try to figure this out, but no luck. He should NOT have been able to modify that prelim posted invoice. 

Thakshila Chandrasiri
Do Gooder (Partner)

Hi @MelKing ,


Why can't you cancel the invoice and create a new invoice with fresh postings?


Best regards,


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 12 replies
  • September 13, 2024

Invoice was created using the “Post Invoice” function creating I vouchers. 
He then somehow altered the gross amount of the prelim invoice  (Try it now and you cannot. IFS does not allow the gross amount to be altered on a prelim posted invoice)
So he’s at the Prelposted state at this point, then it gets authorized and then cancelled.
This should have done a clean reversal of the GL, however it created an additional K voucher for $66.48 - the amount he altered it by. 

The invoice is already cancelled. We need to find out HOW to get the $66.48 out of the 1310 ledger account. If we do a Q voucher it still will not match with the subledger. 

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