Supplier Payment - Create a new supplier Payment and enter in the dollar amount of the original payment (parked payment amount) that needs to be cancelled as a NEGATIVE amount. Go to the Transaction Tab, F5 for new, then click on the box Parked Payment, enter or use LOV and select SUPOA as the Series ID, then use F8 - List of Values for the NO, you should find the transaction that was created from the partial rollback. Your company id should fill in as the Supplier, and the amount should also default in. Save this transaction, and the voucher that is created should correctly debit the account the payment on account resides in, and will also credit your cash account.
Hi Nancy
Thank you so much for coming back to me so quickly, your suggestion has worked and I have managed to clear the parked payment, that kept appearing in all supplier offset and mixed payment.
Thank you for your help and support.
Kind Regards
Hi @Nancy Fink
Do you have any thoughts on performing offset of parked supplier payments via supplier offset proposal in Aurena, it appears that parked payments are not shown in supplier offset proposal. Thanks in advance.
In that case is supplier payment screen the only option.
Best Regards,