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Mixed Payment, Camt 053

Hi, We have been uploading Nordea Camt 053 Bank Statements to IFS 10 for some time and have identified areas that could be improved. Is there anyone who could share experiences and practices with us?

11 replies

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 202 replies
  • June 1, 2020

Hi Tanja,

This is a late reply for your post. Have you managed to solve the issues you have encountered? 

If there are more concerns I would like to discuss. 

Best Regards



Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 25 replies
  • June 5, 2020

Hi @TanjaM 

We are also interested in this, we use SEB and trying to automate some of the tasks.

Example, some of the Bank Fees always have the same text, we think we can get this automated, buy using Pseudo Codes.

Can replay back when we got this working.



Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 202 replies
  • June 5, 2020

Hi Karl,

It is possible to create bank fee transactions via Pseudo code, if we can clearly differentiate the bank fee transaction from other transactions. For an example, if there is an ICDT (Issued Credit Transfer) from your account to one of your supplier, the bank fee also will be appeared with transaction code ICDT. But, you have already mapped ICDT transaction for supplier payment order matching.

In this case there should be a indicator in the file to differentiate bank fee from genetic supplier payment transaction. Normally, some banks use additional identification like Proprietary code when there is a bank fee. If you get such a value in the file, it is possible to define Proprietary code as a Pseudo code in matching identifier in external payment parameter. 

But, some banks do not provide Proprietary code for this scenario and they use SubFamilyCodes (SubFmlyCd). In this case, the setup is quite challenging since SubFmlyCd is not read in the current logic. Anyway, could you please extract the following section from file in relating to bank fee transaction? I might be able to comment based on your file.

(I have a little memory, SEB indicates bank fee under SubFmlyCd. But, better to verify) 


Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 25 replies
  • August 11, 2020

Hi @Eranda  !

Sorry for the late reply, but did have a long vacation ;-)

Here is an example from SEB.

Where Family is MDOP and SubFamly OTHR, In IFS we see Transaction Type PROPFEX.

Is it possible to do a Psedo coding with this data? 

	<NtryRef>XXX 111111111-0000001</NtryRef>
	<Amt Ccy="USD">123.00</Amt>
	<AcctSvcrRef>XXX 111111111-0000001</AcctSvcrRef>
					<Amt Ccy="USD">123</Amt>


Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 202 replies
  • August 15, 2020

Hi Karl,

Hope you had a nice vacation with less travel :)

It seems your scenario is quite easy one. You can directly map message code MDOP as Direct Cash transaction without setting up  a pseudo code. Because MDOP is dedicated for bank fee identification.

Best Regards


Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 25 replies
  • August 19, 2020

Hi @Eranda 

Yes, that is what we have done, but as we need to automate we did a pseudo code and it working.

But we still don´t get it to be 100% as IFS is not taking Domain <DOMN> in account or Sub-Family <SubFmlCD>

Example from Nordea and SEB, some example below, more is in the mig.

What we need is that every transaction type can be a different code string, as showed in SEB screenshot.
We want also that if we have defined this, the mixpayment is created automatically. Currently we only find a way to approve the mixpayment in background.



Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 202 replies
  • August 24, 2020

Hi Karl,

Sorry for the late feedback.

There was a challenge to use both family codes and sub-Family codes in the logic, so currently the system only use Family codes to identify transactions. But, in your case, you have proprietary codes you can define as Pseudo code to identify the transactions. If I remember correctly, proprietary code is fetched to the Prepared Reference field when the file is loaded. So, you can differentiate FEX and CHG codes and direct them in to direct accounts. But, still you can't distinguish sub family codes CHRG and OTHR, because proprietary code is same in both sub family codes.


Note: When you define the Pseudo code in external payment parameters/definition of identifier tab, make sure to select Prepared Reference for Pseudo code line. 


Hope you got my point.


Best Regards



Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 25 replies
  • September 23, 2020

Hi @Eranda


We still strugeling to get the automation via Pseudo code to work correctly, for example SEB sending every month end bank fee with this coding

And as ICDT is used for supplier payment, this will not work. 

But if IFS could handle SubFamly than I would be very happy.


Is it possible to request this feature? I guess many users withme would like this.



Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 202 replies
  • September 24, 2020

Hi Karl,

There is no doubt that, your requirement is valid. But, counting SubFamlyCode for the transaction type selection is bit challenging (I am not telling impossible). But, I still believe you can map this correctly since the value CHG is available in proprietary code level. Can you drop me a message with the example file (Please amend the company, payee and bank account details)? So, I might be able to tell you the exact mapping.

Best Regards



Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 139 replies
  • September 29, 2021

Hi @Eranda,

Karl has had no time to finalize this issue so he asked me instead.

In the process of setting up the charges the first I run into is a supplier invoice payment charge. 

I create the pseudo code and enter it on the tab ‘Definition of Identifiers’ and the only ‘Transaction Type’ option is ‘Direct Cash Trans’.  It is not possible to connect it to the message code ICDT.

Would you have a solution for this?

Kind regards 


Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 139 replies
  • October 19, 2021


Hi Eranda!

We have brought this forward quite a bit following your answers above.

The last issue is something I have struggled with quite a lot:

Our bank, SEB, is sending interest information under the Message codes MDOP and MCOP, the Prepared Reference in both cases is “####RÄNTA##PROPINT”. With MDOP it is an interest cost, with MCOP it is interest earned.
We need to post these interests to two different accounts, but I just cannot seem to get my head around how to do it. I have created two different Pseudo Codes, “RÄNTA” and “PROPINT” with different code strings and connected one to MDOP and the other to MCOP. But I only get one posting.

It is picking up the posting of the lowest identifier ID, no matter if the identifier is connected to the other Message Code.

Would you have any input on this?




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