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Dear IFS Community


I am trying to figure out if there is any way on linking supplier to a GL account code. 


For example, :

If I have supplier invoice let say for say Gas or Electric, is there any way the posting information will automatically populate to GL account code for Gas if I choose the supplier account code for our gas supplier,  instead of manually entering the posting information.


We have invoices for utilities and transport which will always go to the same GL code and would like to know if I can automate the  this option to avoid invoices getting posted to wrong account and save time looking for account number all the time.


Please help and advise, look forward in hearing from you.


Kind Regards






This is V9, but I’m sure it is the same in V10

Supplier > Invoice > General > RMB to Default Cost Code String - enter your parameters

Default Cost Code String


Hi Shawn


Amazing Thank you so much, you are star.


Have a good evening.


Thank you so much




As well as the Default Cost Code String there is now (from Apps9) the Posting Template ID on the Invoice tab of the supplier.

This works just like the Default Cost String but allows you to have multiple rows split by percentages or amounts.  You need to setup the template first.  Example from release notes:

It is also possible to use it from the Posting Proposal.

Hi Ant


Thank you so much, this looks interesting and quiet helpful to know as we currently working on getting supplier invoice work flow implemented and will be using posting proposal.


Please feel free to share info/notes on this if you have any.


Many Thanks
