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IFS cloud - external sup load error


External Supplier Invoice Load errors 


Inter- site invoices - error message  is   “Receipt xxxxx does not belong to any of the given purchase orders”.   The receipt number is the delivery note number we will be receiving the goods on.   this has happened all of a sudden .

There is a workaround by removing the receipt reference  on the External supplier invoice ,  which then allows me to create the invoice.  I would like to know the root cause to save time going forward.



In all likelihood the root cause of the issue is based on the following. 

See the supplier invoice / PO matching area. In this screen, see the validation.  With the shown option, the PO number and receipt reference must be valid before the invoice can be saved.  Hypothetically, if that was set as none, then receipt reference XYZ is not tested for validity (does not need to exist) at invoice entry.  Assume PO 123, has not yet been received. Then a file with PO 123 and receipt reference XYZ does not exist at the time the invoice was entered, IFS will either block the save or allow the saving (if set as none).    If None was selected for that supplier the invoice could be saved and later matched with the goods received (assuming receipt reference XYZ was entered upon the receipt. 


It would appear that for the example described for this forum entry, None may be a better option. 

Don’t know why this would be a sudden change, validation like this has been in IFS for a good number of years. 

Best regards, 




I once had the same error message, but in a different flow. It happened due to using a mix of upper case & lower case letters in 02 different places. So I would also recommend to verify your ‘receipt reference’ value appearing in ‘receipt’ window and in ‘external supplier invoice load’. 

Best Regards,


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