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HCM - position ID

Hero (Partner)

Via help I have been attempting to use the graphical structure to define positions but within that structure, a position ID is required before it can save.  What am I missing?

Best answer by Shehan Almeida



In which version are you in?


APP9 on wards, you can define positions interdependently to the Organization structure.


As you have mentioned, it mandatory to have a Position ID before saving a new position. Therefore, start by providing a Position ID. Make sure to select the Parent Position ID from the LoV. For the 1st position created it will be (*).


Hope this helps.


Best Regards,

Shehan Almeida.

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Shehan Almeida
Superhero (Partner)



In which version are you in?


APP9 on wards, you can define positions interdependently to the Organization structure.


As you have mentioned, it mandatory to have a Position ID before saving a new position. Therefore, start by providing a Position ID. Make sure to select the Parent Position ID from the LoV. For the 1st position created it will be (*).


Hope this helps.


Best Regards,

Shehan Almeida.

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • May 4, 2020

That was VERY helpful!!  THANK YOU!


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