bonjour, auriez vous reussi à passer cette problematique. nous aurions sur ifs et nous avons besoin d’importer nos releves. merci pour votre aide
Hi @bergeron,
We have successfully resolved the issue. The problem was related to the external file, which did not conform to the required format ‘STDFRBNKSTAT’ and the structure specified in the external file template. Please review both the external file and the template. If you continue to experience issues, feel free to raise a ticket for further assistance.
Best regards,
bonjour, pouvez vous m’envoyer un exemple d’un fichier repondant à la structure de STDFRBNKSTAT car j’ai le meme pb avec mes releves afin que je pusise voir avec les banque pourquoi je n’ai pas le bon format. merci
ma question est surtout de savoir si vous avez trouve comment retranscrire l’alphanumérique qui est sur les montants des relevés bancaire?
(Standard banking file incorporate alphanumeric values in amounts (eg E on below screenshot).
Hi everybody,
Anyone in France who succeeded to handle French Bank Statements import in IFS Cloud ?
We are struggling with that issue within 24R1, while IFS documentation states that CFONB format for French Bank Statement is covered in standard by 24R1 release.
We have to handle hundreds of bank statements import in IFS Cloud per day, in order to proceed the bank reconciliation process.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide ! ;-)
Hi @Suchithra Fernando ,
I read your message but sorry I didn’t get what you mean.
Indeed, the bank statement files are provided by the bank, and we cannot change them.
Regarding File Template STDFRBNKSTAT it is supposed to be structured in a way that enables it to be used without modifications to import French Bank Statements.
Thanks in advance for all clarifications that you can provide.