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I have migrated our fixed assets and posted to the GL. Everything is in balance. I try and run a depreciation on the objects and receive the following error message. ORA-01403: no data found.

Not sure why this error is coming up when the data is all there and visible in the subledger and GL.

Any help on this would be great. This is on APPS 10 Update 14



Hi Maggie, 

This is an Oracle error. These errors pop up usually due to 3 reasons 

  1. You executed a SELECT INTO statement and no rows were returned.
  2. You referenced an uninitialized row in a table.
  3. You read past the end of file with the UTL_FILE package.

First 2 are the possible reasons for the error. This is not done by the user. These are the calls generated and sent to the database, according to the parameters set or existing values in the window.

Anyway, these are not window specific errors. Hence to identify the reason and provide a solution, we need to further analyze the scenario. 

Please go ahead and raise a ticket to support, then this will be investigated further.


Best Regards,



Hello, Maggie,

I have done  migrations of Fixed assets quite often and as far as I cat tell, this problem is related to inconsistent data in migration. Migrating accumulated depreciation, you should make sure that depreciation event date is not before depreciation start date for particular object. There might be other issues as well, and it is usually difficult to locate particular problematic object. Support case could be an option, trying to run depreciation for single object group and if error is noticed for specific group - for subset of objects could help as well. 
