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Hello experts,

Is it possible to set up customer and supplier number (customer/supplier ID) series from the client end?

For an example, when we create a new customer, if we only give a customer name (without any value to customer ID) upon saving system assigns a value to customer field. One of our client has initially set up customer number series starting from 5000 and now they want to change it to something else. 

Can we set up this simply like we do customer order/purchase order number series via coordinator groups?





Hi @PraSheriS 

Many thanks for your reply. This is what I was searching for. 

Is there a way to make the series include a letter, instead of just a number series? 
i.e. Customer = C1

Not that I’m aware of with IFS core functionality, however, I had heard mention of using a custom event to handle a similar request.
