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customer analysis screen not showing attached invoices

  • 24 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Good afternoon,

When we look at the customer analysis screen is does not show a copy of the invoice in the attachments tab at the bottom of the screen even though the invoice has been attached in the Customer Invoice window.

How do we set this up please so that the pdf invoice shows in the customer analysis screen?

** when we look at the supplier analysis screen this does show a copy of the supplier invoice as we have attached it to the manual supplier invoice screen.**

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +18


Send print screen so that we can see what version. Cloud and IEE user interfaces are very different. 

Without knowing the version, I tend to believe that the Object Connection Transformation screen / process will complete allow the document to be visible in the analysis screen.  Have used this many times, believe it will solve your issue.     


If your screen looks different from the below - then maybe you need to enable the document attachment first, to enable docs for the analysis screen. I simply don’t remember if Apps 10 (or older) had the attachments already enabled for the screen. 

Best regards, 

