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There is a customer 360 window in the IFS Internet Explorer. Where can we find the same window in the IFS Aurena?

Hi @Manavi Weerarathne,

You can try navigating into the IFS Aurena window and searching for the relevant customer of,

  • Application Base Setup -> Enterprise -> Customer -> Customer 360


Best regards,

Shamalaka Perera

Hi Manavi,


1. Go to Customer page
2. Select any Customer (eg: FR_AIRBUS)
3. Click on 'Customer 360' 

4. It will direct you to Customer 360 page of the customer


Thanks and Best Regards


How do I can find this window in Aurena?

The Customer 360 window is in Aurena. If you still can’t see the screen, it may be due to permission. Can you check with app-owner login?