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Hi all, I have one issue regarding customer invoice and I want to change the posting from Statistical account to one fixed account. Could you please tell me if that is done in posting control or somewhere else?

@Suman IFS this is done via Posting Control. Basically you would need to setup M28 and M30 (depending if it’s taxable sales or not):



The process is a bit more involved than reviewing M28 and M30, as these would rarely ever (if ever) be posted to statistical accounts. 

Please go into GL voucher rows, search for the noted statistical account. In that screen you will see a Trans Code.   You may need to display the column, as it could be hidden or far to the right side of the screen. 

The Trans Code will typically note a posting type (M28 and M30 are examples).  Once you identify the various posting types you can then go into posting control and adjust as needed. 

It should be known that if your list of posting types includes posting types related to AR or AP trade, the related invoices store the original code string, and adjustments (payments) on those invoices use that original code string.   In other words, if an invoice posted to account X, you then change posting control for the invoice creation (IP1 or IP2) the account X will still be used when a payment is applied.   If your list includes the trade related posting types, you may want to use the repost ledger items function. This will then change the data related to the invoice (ledger item) such that the old account X is no longer noted on that invoice and it will be replaced by the revised code string.  Accounting entries record the movement. 

Best regards, 


Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the detailed explanation and in my case it is related to IP17 and  affecting AR. Could you please explain the last para of your reply once again as I did not understood it fully. Could you show me with some screen shots if possible. Also is there any need for offset as I am changing accounts?

Best regards,



To be honest, I suspected your need was IP17.    That’s why I noted the last section. 

The process is easy, change your posting control.   Then go into repost ledger items.   IP17 is the advance invoices. You should then select all the advanced invoices and run the function.  I would suggest do this for 1 invoice first.  We have two screens for repost leger items.   Customer and supplier.  You should test the repost customer ledger items for the advance invoice. 

Best regards, 


Hi Thomas, thanks for your valuable analysis and further workable actions. 

While running the repost ledger item in Konz environment.

I am getting this pop up:

Is that you mean to do? or will it be possible for you to share some screen shots as well.

Wish you a great day ahead!

Best regards,



In that window, 

The user group should be entered.   Ideally it would have filled in automatically, If you can enter the user group select OK. Normally the period would also fill. 


That function essentially updates the code string assigned for the invoice.  That’s exactly what you want to do. 

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your reply and it was what I wanted.


Do you know any function in IFS that can be used for periodic cost allocation meaning that I wanted to change the CC of invoices that were booked in the past not as a single entry but distributed over a period.


Wish you a great day ahead!

Best regards,


