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We have some invoices that are ‘PR’ stage, but we don’t want to print and fully create them at moment.


Is there a check box or some way of ‘holding’ this so that it isn’t accidentally picked up in any bulk print run?



In my experience (APPs10), you can cancel the prelim invoice and then block the customer lines from invoices.   The block invoice is a check box on the customer order line/s.




Sorry, I don’t want to cancel the PR invoice, we may have to print it at a later date.  


What I’m looking for is a way to put it on hold so that it isn’t printed in error by someone else



I have not tested this but you may be able to prevent the printing/posting of the invoice by changing the date on the general tab to a closed period.



I hope this is helpful.




Hi @SMcLees ,

In that case, you can use a Custom field and Custom Event to block the Invoice Printing if the Print is done in Customer Invoice level or Print Customer Invoice window. However, will have to check if it is possible to block the printing if you are using Batch Print Customer Invoices process.

