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We have a sweep each day on one of our bank accounts, which for certains reasons, isn’t posted anywhere.


Is there anyway I can match this off from an uploaded bank statement without an entry to the bank ledger?

I am not sure whether I understood the problem correctly. But, if cash transactions are missing in the system cash accounts, you can create them via mixed payment and match.

I am not sure whether I understood the problem correctly. But, if cash transactions are missing in the system cash accounts, you can create them via mixed payment and match.


Yes, I’m aware of that solution.  However for this problem I am unable to create a mixed payment transaction for this as historically these transactions have never been posted.  They are sweeps into a funding bank account


Were you able to find a solution to your problem @SMcLees ?


Hi @Abbas 


Not really no, I had toyed with idea of marking them as bank errors but they will always remain on the bank reconciliation