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Await auth - Posting Proposal



Recently, I've noticed the status “await auth” in the posting proposal, which I hadn't come across in previous versions. What does this status mean, and why does it appear? I'd like to add that I'm using IFS CLOUD version 24, and this relates to invoices that go through OCR.

4 replies

  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 1020 replies
  • January 6, 2025


The waiting Authorization implies that one or more authorizers have been added to the posting proposal yet the authorizers have not yet authorized the posting lines.   This state, has been around as long as I can remember (i believe this dates back to when it was added to core). So why are we now seeing this? 

Invoice posting authorizers can be added to an invoice in three different ways.   Authorizers can be copied from the PO (this is a common option). Invoice posting authorizers can be added automatically via the posting authorization rules (also very common). Or they can be added manually.   In a perfect world, we want rules to automate the adding of authorizers to as many invoice postings lines we can (or when practical) reducing the number of manual entries. 

If we had previously relied on AP to manually assign authorizers, it’s very possible that AP was also authorizing - leaving a short amount of time where the proposal was in waiting authorization state. 

If we have new rules to help automate / better use the posting proposal solution (more automation) we will have more invoices waiting authorization. As users authorize the postings, the status will change. 

Another change could be reduction of tolerance amount, where an invoice that was previously authorized automatically, may require manual intervention.   Example assume tolerance is 25 with a PO received value of 100.  Invoices from 75 to 125 can be automatically authorized due to allowing a tolerance.  Now assume tolerance is gone (reduced or removed) the same invoice that was previously allowed to be authorized may now flow to waiting authorization.  Someone needs to authorize as the invoice may no longer be within tolerance. 

All depends on user process changes, rule changes, or set up changes. Take a look at the posting lines and view the rule that was triggered (for the authorizers) See posting proposal and authorization data. 

Hope this helps, 

Best regards, 


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 34 replies
  • January 7, 2025

Hi ​@Thomas Peterson


Do we have the option to disable this automation?

  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 1020 replies
  • January 7, 2025



In your version, you can disable the need for authorization on a supplier-by-supplier basis.   See the supplier, then the invoice related data section.  This was added in Cloud 23 R2 (I believe)

Best regards, 



  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 34 replies
  • January 8, 2025

Hi ​@Thomas Peterson 

What if invoices that enter the system from OCR go immediately to the proposal for decreeing in the status “Awaiting authorization”? Previously they were in the status “Unbalanced” or “Preliminary”.

It seems as if the system somehow automatically balances the amounts, even though no one has decreed that invoice.

Do you have any associations as to what this setting might be? 

This happens with Suppliers who appear regularly.



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