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When you have a customer order that is invoiced you get an entry M30 that also shows the quantity that was on the customer order.  This entry is a negative amount for the M30 posting. Is it possible to configure the quantity to display as a negative as well to match the sign of the $ amount?  

for example:


Hi @Rcoubrou ,


I don’t believe this can be achieved in the standard application.

It has been reported to RnD a couple of years ago and they have mentioned that this cannot be achieved in the core application. They have also mentioned that you cannot use the quantity for statistical purposes in the general ledger since it may not contain negative values. They have closed this request in the past as a standard enhancement request.

However, I believe you may be able to achieve this as a customization through IFS Consultancy.

Hope this information helps you :relaxed:

Best Regards,

Hi @Rcoubrou,


The quantity displayed in Voucher for M30 is the Invoiced Quantity on Customer Invoice.

According to RnD, on vouchers for customer order invoices the value for QUANTITY always is positive no matter if the amount on the voucher row is negative or positive, or in other words, if the customer order invoice is a debit or a credit invoice. 

This has been a concern for companies that use the QUANTITY value for statistical and other purposes since the value is always positive. But, this is how the application has been designed.

As per your screen capture, the customer invoice is a Customer Order Debit Invoice,

Is there's any specific reason for you to have a negative quantity for postings for “Customer Order Debit Invoices”?


Thanks and Best Regards


Hi @MadushaDissanayake  we are converting off of another ERP system to IFS for one of our companies and that is how they report their sales revenue (are negative) and therefore match the quantity as Negative as well.  Currently it’s a manual journal entry they do to record the sales quantities.  They were hoping IFS could automate it which it does but as a positive.   I will suggest if it’s strictly for reporting they could potentially reverse sign maybe?   otherwise they will need to do a manual JE as well in IFS.


Is there the ability to “turn off” recording of quantities?   by company?     I can’t see this so assume not but that was their follow up question.

Thank you!