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2014-11-14-GoBD / IDW PS 880/ ISAE3000

  • March 28, 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi All, 

Is anyone familiar with the requirements in the subject field in relation to German companies? I am wondering how to make our Apps 9 compliant with these requirements. Third party software is being pushed as a solution but we’d like to avoid this if possible and even customize IFS where possible to build a solution. I know that some of the above requirements are process related but don’t have a clear understanding of the technical requirements.

Best Regards



3 replies

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 6 replies
  • December 10, 2024

Hi John! Did you receive any information outside of this thread regarding the certificate? 

Ralph Gericke
Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 201 replies
  • December 13, 2024

Hi John, Jonas,

I am not sure what you are looking for - but I will try to give you some additional information:

GOBD describes rules for a proper bookkeeping processes in Germany. Please note that IFS Document Management is a workflow supporting functionality, not a certified data archiving solution.
IFS Applications as well as IFS Cloud are IDW PS 880 certified and can be used in compliance with IDW PS 880.

If needed the certificat can be requested via "Guide Me" <>.

GOBD relates to the entire processing chain from the creation and recording of the business transaction, through its processing in the business processes (and IT applications), to the tax balance sheet, and therefore not only affect financial accounting, but also upstream systems. A documentation of these processes must be created, which should also include aspects such as authorization concepts, internal control system and general processes for IT operations. This documentation of the processes and checks and rules implemented cannot be provided by a ERP software provider.

The objective of the digital tax audit as part of GOBD is the structured analysis of tax-relevant company data instead of the previously common single document audits, especially to find tax loopholes more easily.

Employees of the tax authorities must be granted access to tax-relevant electronic company data during an external audit. In order to guarantee this access, rules have been defined in the GoBD.

One of the rights describes the output of data in a specific format (gdpdu). These data can be exported using IFS Audit Interface Assistant. The other ones are direct or indirect access to the System. 

Starting with 2025 companies in germany must be able to receive electronic invoices, which simply means the need to have an e-mail account. Beeing able to receive and send invoices will become mandatory step by step until 2028.
With an open mind several countries in the world are implementing or planning to implement mandatory CTC/Compliance e-invoice for companies operating in the country.

The CTC-Models will evolve in the countries with different speed, different formats and requirements from

  • sending e-invoices to business partners 
  • submitting them via a clearing office to the business parten
  • submitting them to a tax office for approval and send it to the business partner after approval

IFS delivers support for new CTC models around the world in cooperation with Service Providers.

  • ERP cloud software focuses on the required data and lifecycle handling of the invoices.
  • A Service Provider the formatting and connection to authorities or business partners.

This means in more detail:

An IFS specific XML-Layout needs to be used when invoices are imported or exported from/to IFS Cloud

On the outgoing side the service providers needs to receive the IFS specific XML-Layout and convert it to the desired output format.
On the incoming side the services providers receives invoices in different formats and converts these invoice to the IFS specific XML-Layout for incoming invoices.

I hope that this overview helped in some way. 

Sidekick (Employee)
  • Sidekick (Employee)
  • 22 replies
  • February 19, 2025

The IDW PS 880 certificate for Application 10 and IFS Cloud product releases can be downloaded from the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) download page as shown below:

The download can be started after entering your company and personal name and clicking on the two confirmation buttons.


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