what are the basic data that need to be configured to generate 1099 tax report and also how to generate it
The supplier, tax codes, income types and report type need to be setup. Feel free to PM me if you need more details.
Here is a basic testplan:
tax report -- create a tax report for misc using the template: S100 and tax group: US 1099 Misc
create a second one using the template: S101 and tax group: US 1099 NEC
NOTE: the tax groups should automatically pull in when selecting your template if you completed step 1 correctly
2) supplier -- make sure your supplier is setup for report income/withheld --- RMB to tax reporting withholding and make sure supplier income type is setup and default tax withholding code is: 0 WHT
NOTE: if 0 WHT is not already existing in customer database -- you should use update company to update tax codes -- DO NOT MANUALLY ADD
(company -- RMB update company -- specify LU - unselect all - -then select statutory fee under accrul and update from the STD-US template- okay.
Make sure you have non-account related logical units and account related logical units checked
NOTE: if you did not have 0 WHT setup in tax codes and on your suppliers before entering and paying your invoices - you will not receive data on your 1099's
3) enter a supplier invoice for your supplier - post and pay it. (you can skip this step if you have existing paid invoices with 0 WHT code on them)
4) update vouchers to GL
5) fetch tax transactions - and calculate income amount (NOTE: this can be done from the tax transaction window - RMB)
6) automatic tax proposal -- RMB create tax proposal -- use the appropriate tax report (if want income type 7 -- use the NEC report).
RMB to details to make sure your payment is there
8) you can then RMB print preliminary or acknowledge and RMB print definitive. Income type 7 should show on NEC in box #1 nonemployment compensation
R&D created a complete PPT noting every step and set up. If you need this, I can email.
Follow the document. It works like a charm. Works for cloud and IFS10.
Hope this helps
We just printed our 1099s and the payers TIN field is blank. Where in IFS should our TIN be entered to pull onto the form?
We just printed our 1099s and the payers TIN field is blank. Where in IFS should our TIN be entered to pull onto the form?
Go to address > document tax information tab. Here you will have Tax ID Number.
That field is for the 1099 receipients TIN (our supplier). I am looking for the field for the payers TIN (my companies TIN that is issuing the 1099).
That field is for the 1099 receipients TIN (our supplier). I am looking for the field for the payers TIN (my companies TIN that is issuing the 1099).
Go to Company > Tax Control > Invoice
There you should have tax liability countries. Enter country US and tax ID number. I suppose it should work then.
Check your tax office - A tax office should be set up and the tax ID numbers noted with your tax reports listed on the lower section of the screen See sample screen below.
This then prints on the 1099 reports listed above.
Best regards
Thank you Thomas. We do not have a tax office setup so hopefully that should solve it.
One additional question - How are companies handling printing copy A of the 1099? Copy A must be printed on the official red IRS form. Is there a way to print just the data in the boxes but not print the actual form? I am on Apps 10 update 17.
I have read a great deal of information regarding 1099 from various sites including IRS. I have yet to find any mandate regarding the red ink. From what I have read, the reason for the red ink is so that people do not photocopy the pre-printed forms. Per the regs, I see that a reasonable facsimile of the official report can be used.
Best regards
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