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WO generated from Service Contract - Customer Empty

  • 21 February 2024
  • 9 replies



I generated a WO from a Service Contract and noticed that the Customer is empty. 

The PM that I used is linked to a Work task Template, and the Work Task Templates DO have the Customer on there.


So why do the Work Tasks have the customer, but the Work Order itself is empty. This is rather confusing. Or is there a specific reason for this that I am missing here?


Best Regards




9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +20

When you say “I generated a WO from a Service Contract”, how did you do it? If I create a new Service Request and select the contract line, the customer does get populated (tested in 23.2.1).

Userlevel 6
Badge +13

@Timmermans Roel I m not clear on the part you mentioned, “Work Task Templates DO have the Customer“.

Is this a configuration or a modification. Because AFAIK, there is no customer connected to Work Task Templates.

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

When you say “I generated a WO from a Service Contract”, how did you do it? If I create a new Service Request and select the contract line, the customer does get populated (tested in 23.2.1).

Hi Alexandar,


In this case I used ‘Generate Wo’ from the Service Contract Maintenance Plan.

I tested again and still does not populate the Customer on the Work Order - Customer Information section.



I also tried the same way as you (From New Service Request). I only entered the Service Contract and contract line and created the WO, and that indeed populates the Customer on the WO automatically.



And I tried a third method using ‘Calendar Generation’ => This also does not populate the customer info.


Best Regards


Userlevel 5
Badge +11

@Timmermans Roel I m not clear on the part you mentioned, “Work Task Templates DO have the Customer“.

Is this a configuration or a modification. Because AFAIK, there is no customer connected to Work Task Templates.

My apologies. This is a type. The exact sentence should be:

The PM that I used is linked to a Work task Template, and the Work Tasks generated from the template DO have the Customer on there.


So when I created the WO from the Service Contract PM Plan - ‘Generate WO’, the WO itself does not contain any customer info, the work tasks below the Work Order do have the customer info. You can also check the printscreens I added in the initial post if you need some additional info.


Thanks for your interest and I’m looking forward to any feedback you might have.


Best Regards


Userlevel 7
Badge +20

When you say “I generated a WO from a Service Contract”, how did you do it? If I create a new Service Request and select the contract line, the customer does get populated (tested in 23.2.1).

Hi Alexandar,


In this case I used ‘Generate Wo’ from the Service Contract Maintenance Plan.

I tested again and still does not populate the Customer on the Work Order - Customer Information section.



I also tried the same way as you (From New Service Request). I only entered the Service Contract and contract line and created the WO, and that indeed populates the Customer on the WO automatically.



And I tried a third method using ‘Calendar Generation’ => This also does not populate the customer info.


Best Regards


I tried this on 23.2.1 and while the customer is populated on the PM Action and the PM Plan, it is indeed NOT populated on the Work Order generated from the PM Plan. Looks like a bug to me.

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi @Alexander Heinze ,


Thanks for your feedback. At least now I know it’s not just me :-). 

I’ll check how far this bug gets us into trouble and make sure to talk to our solution architect.


Best Regards


Userlevel 7
Badge +20

I have logged an internal request for that, however if this turns out to be an issue for you please raise a ticket - customer requests enjoy a much higher priority than internal ones.

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Noticed the same issue in our Apps10 upd 18 environment and found the below piece of code comment in the Product API. If we uncomment that the Co information shows up on the WO.


Not sure why IFS has commented that. Will be raising a case with IFS.

@Timmermans Roel did IFS provide a patch for this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +20

Noticed the same issue in our Apps10 upd 18 environment and found the below piece of code comment in the Product API. If we uncomment that the Co information shows up on the WO.


Not sure why IFS has commented that. Will be raising a case with IFS.

@Timmermans Roel did IFS provide a patch for this?

Please mention in your ticket that there is an internal ticket “AMDEV-13555”, this may speed up the process.

The response that I got was “This behavior is not a bug within the standard system; it aligns with the intended functionality. Customer information is stored at the work task level since this work task could be grouped with other work tasks coming from PM if you choose to use grouping functionality and the background PM generation.
