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I am trying to find documentation about scheduling app params (not app params but scheduling app params), specifically about service_hours_response_type.

I don’t see it in the standard FSM documentation that’s on the system. Where can I find documentation on that?

Hi Jonathan,

I’m afraid we don’t have any further documentation on the scheduling app params. If the description of the param isn’t enough, I suggest you state your problem in more detail here in the community and eventually someone can give you more details.


Best regards

Thanks Roman.

  1. Is there an internal IFS Sharepoint with a list of the scheduling app params with info on each?
  2. Specifically I am wanting to know what the param values mean for this scheduling app param: service_hours_response_type. For example, the value could be Accepted or Arrival or what else? How would the system behave differently based upon the value being Accepted vs. Arrival?

  1. Not that I’m aware off.
  2. I can’t answer that. Eventually someone from the PSO Consultancy Team can give you an answer. :)

Best regards

Documentation for Dynamic Scheduling can be found in the embedded help files, which are accessible through the help menu in the application.


Regarding the service_hours_response_type app param, this parameter allows you to use a special time commitment record on your task to define non-standard calendar hours (e.g. outside of the customer’s normal working hours).   It is an optional feature and is not necessary unless you have cases where you want to override the customer’s normal availability hours.  If desired to use this, then you would want to define a new (i.e. do not reuse your existing Accepted of Arrival response types) response type code that you would use on the time commitment for these special hours.  Then the calendar that is defined on that time commitment (as identified by task id and response code) will be used to determine availability for the job.  The time commitments for these exceptional cases would typically be created through the standard time commit generation business rules.  Again, completely optional - if you don’t have a need for supporting non-standard availability hours, then just leave this app param blank.
