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Hi Experts,

Please refer the below requirements.

Customer is using inbound map to modify/insert records with some additional logics.  Their requirement is to send the json request without any mapping name.

Example json message format


    "parameters": {

        "mapping_name": "EXT_SYS_TO_FSM",

        "xml_import": {

            "inbound": {

                "part": {

                    "part_id": "DP19",

                    "description": "Updated by OData API new change"







  1. Is there a way to define the json request without “mapping_name”?(I know that we can create the json request without mapping_name. But in this scenario, xml map is not getting triggered and only the baseline logic will execute and the tables are created). For this requirement, json request should execute with the use of xml map even though the xml map is not defined in the json message it self.
  2. “Perform_inbound_integration”  is generic for all the types of inbound integrations. They need to check whether there is a possibility to retrieve this URL as below formats from FSM side. 

Default ODATA REST API url - http://yourfsmserver/odata/perform_inbound_integration

Expected formats - http://yourfsmserver/odata/perform_task_Integration

Expected formats - http://yourfsmserver/odata/perform_inbound_integration/taskcreation


As per my knowledge the above requirements are not feasible by using configurations in FSM side.

Please provide your inputs.



Hi @Hasara Dinu ,

  1. If you are trying to use perform_inbound_integration mpm with odata service or any other service without defining the map name the server is supposed to throw an argument exception as this is a mandatory field to call the integration map. If it is not the case, as you mentioned the preferred method will be to call the entity with the odata service. But the controlling procedures in the server side will need to be handled with BR configs etc.
  2. I don’t think that it is possible to do this only with configurations as the given url format unless you’re defining custom mpms. When you usually create a custom mpm, this will be triggered and placed as a custom mpm under odata swagger ui according to the url format ( http://yourfsmserver/odata/perform_task_Integration) similar to what you have mentioned above. You can get the list of available baseline and custom mpms both by choosing the performs list on the swagger ui. If you are going to call a custom mpm then definitely you need to go ahead with a customization to execute that on server side. Apart from that you can choose the existing baseline mpms to perform available functions in FSM(all of these are available on the odata swagger ui documentation).

