Business: water bottles delivery
Route drivers are delivering water bottles with 1 Litre, 2 Litres, 3 Litre, …. etc with different quantities.
ex: customer 1 - 3 bottles of 1 litre bottle each week, Customer 2- 2 bottles of 3 Litres bottles each 2 weeks , Customer 3 - 10 bottles of 25 Litres bottles each month
They have created standard task for each type of water bottles.
But customers are requesting different different quantities, that cannot be handled through recurring service program since the services adding only fixed qty to recurring service programs.
Work around is to create several standard task with different quantities. But what if customer asked 100 types of quantities. Is there plan to open the recurring service program for different material quantities and no of resources?
Is there a way of balancing water bottles delivery by checking the weight or volume, may be changing the delivery dates