How to schedule virtual service call / zero travel time jobs
Is there a way to schedule virtual service jobs (phone call)? i.e. How can we schedule jobs through the Appointment Booking screen in FSM, where the job has a duration (ex. 30 minute job duration), but don’t need to calculate or include travel time, such that the jobs are scheduled back to back?
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Not 100% sure if this is similar or not, but we have technicians who work from one location. We simply give them a 1 minute travel radius, and ensure the location is always the same for them. PSO then recognises through skills that they’re pretty much the only resource available for the activity.
If the travel time is zero and the resource has minimal travel (that’s due to some discrepancies in geo locations) then these guys just work in one place and activities are simply allocated.
Resource 1 and 2 have a van, and Resource 3 all activities come to him.
I hope this helps.
Hey @schance
The solution we have for a similar requirement is to remove TASK.ADDRESS_ID.