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Dear Group,

Anyone having document for how to configure mail merge word document to mail.

Quotes screen mail merger configuration document or any tips for configuration.



Are you looking to email a quote to a customer? That would be handled with a notification message.


or the reference guide starting at page 535


First you need a Mail Merge Template (accessible from menu), the baseline one doesn't really display/function and gives Word error this is not deeply ventured functionality and is really just a means to send an email as Word or PDF.  Create your template,  with basic information such as place id, quote id, total line price etc.  Save it.  Return to Quote screen. Select Mail Merge, then select your template not baseline one.  It will give you option of Word or PDF, and then “Send Mail”  

This is better accomplished as a notification and attached report as Christine indicated and should not be recommended in my opinion. I normally remove the button from quote screen.
