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I would like to sort two columns in this lookup by default, But when I do that, only one column is getting sorted in ASC order not the other one, I would like to see both the columns getting sorted in ASC order. Is there any possibility to do so?


Hi @preethi.a05 

I tried this in UPD 27 and it worked. Which FSM version did you try?

I checked this in the task screen and sorted by person_id and team_id.


However, It first sorts by the first parameter and then by the second.

I hope this helps. If this is not your requirement, could you please clarify?



Suvini Samarasekara

Hi @suvini,


I tried this in UPD 26. Requirement is to sort two columns in ASC order, and if I click on the column header, order of records are getting collapsed.



Hi @preethi.a05 

would you include a screen shot of the results when you run the search on the person screen. Also I am not sure what is meant by order of records are getting collapsed. Could you include a screen shot of this.


Thank you,

