I have a notification email that’s being sent out when a part need is created for certain parts. I would like the person who created the part need to be CC’ed on this email.
The notification message is triggered by a request event and the person I’d like included on the email is the request event creator. I’m not sure how to use request_event.created_by in the distribution list.
Another problem is I’ve been trying to create substitution maps to get the persons emails address with different methods. For some reason the ones I create don’t show up in the “Wild card member” drop down on the distribution list screen. I don’t see any differences it my substitution maps and the ones that do show up in the drop down.
Currently I can use request.event.created_by or I’ve also stuffed the part_need.sequence into the request_event.user_def2 to have a link back to the part need where I could use part_need.created_by
Any suggestions appreciated.