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Dear all,

we just created a custom view and custom metadata in the FSM database and wanted to retrieve the data via rest API / Odata user with postman:

Currently I receive the following error message when trying to retrieve the data 

The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable


We can use other custom views and tables, that had been created some time ago. 

Which step are we missing to include the new view into the OData service?




Ok found it:


FSM regenerates the Open API definitions including custom tables at install time. If you have added custom tables or fields since installation you can update the OData documentation by re-publishing the Open API spec using this HTTP GET method:




This can be a time-consuming operation for all tables. You can increase the timeout by adding the timeout=xxxx query parameter where xxxx is the number of seconds to wait. The default timeout is 60 seconds – here we increase to 180 (3 minutes):



Is this feature also available for IFS App?


I get 404 - NotFound in my IFS Apps 10.12, when I try to acces the odata/OpenApi(publish=true)-URL



Do I perhaps lack any permission?
