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I want to make a confirmation loop to a screen. I can add confirmation from object links. However, this confirmation has no connection with the transactions I make on the page. How can I link the confirmation to the page?

Hi @Dilan ,

Can you tell me what you want to do with the screenshot?

Best regards 


For example, I want to get the approval of the sales manager before reaching the released status on this screen.

I create approval in the attachments. But I can switch to released status without this approval.

@Dilan there’s no logic in standard functionality to stop any of the processes that have unapproved steps. In order to achieve this you would need to setup a custom event and when the rowstate of the SQ moves to Released check if there any unapproved steps and show an error message in case any unapproved steps exist. 

What I’ve seen numerous customers using is:

→ event when SQ is created to attach the approval template

→ event when SQ is Released → show error message if there are any un-approved steps.

This routine could be used in pretty much any transaction that doesn’t have embedded authorization (supplier invoices / purchase req / purchase order).

@Dilan furthermore, in below post you will some examples on how to setup these Custom Events:

I hope this helps.

@Dilan furthermore, in below post you will some examples on how to setup these Custom Events:

I hope this helps.


Thank you @Marcel.Ausan 

I’ll try this post 👍🏼
