Hello All!
We have created a new EDM Repositore with the follow content:
Document Management\Basic Data\EDM Basic → Repositories
Repository-ID: Name
Documentclass: DEBES
Type: Shared folder
Adress/Rep: ID from Rep.-Address and User
Pfad: Q:\DEBES
Status: active
Document Management\Basic Data\EDM Basic → Repositories
Rep Address: CompanyName
Rep User: ActiveDirectory-LogIn on the server
Rep Password: ActiveDirectory_Password on the server
In the windows explorer of the IFS Application Server we also installed a network folder called “Q:\” it linked to the document server “\\Servername\”. Wie can write files via Windows to this network folder.
But when we upload documents we get the following message “Failed to upload file to the file system repository sDas System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden]”
other this error message: “Failed to upload file to the file system repository fZugriff verweigert]
The uploaded document are still saved in the IFS-Database but not on the shared folder.
What are we doing wrong?