I was looking to move our default storage repository
from Database → File storage
in an IFS cloud hosted environment this to save space in our database.
Is there a clear overview of what the GAP is between the two repository types?
- Report rules only work in database?
- Can you just move files after a certain period (eg. 1 month) from database → FSS storage?
So basically why would one use the database storage repository type and what are the implications of migrating from one repository type to another?
(so this storage type: https://docs.ifs.com/techdocs/23r1/030_administration/210_cloud_file_storage/?_gl=1*xiu7ee*_ga*MTQzMjU3OTk4NC4xNzIwNzc1NDE3*_ga_H7YJR9R7Q1*MTcyMjM1MTUxMS45LjEuMTcyMjM1MjM0Ny41Ny4wLjA.#cloud_deployment)