I had the previous understanding on default object access levels setting as follows.
“Setting Default Object Access Levels is another way of granting permission to the users who are not under "Persons and Groups of a document class with restrictions.
For example if User B is not under persons and groups of the document class X but is connected to the object type Project Y, where User A has attached a document from document class X, then what type of access the User B will have on the document attached by user A.
So, setting a default object access level will depend on your requirement for the connected users to an object to access the document and levels of access. (Admin, Edit and View)
Ex: Admin Access = "If this check box is selected, this will be the maximum allowed access given to a user with access to an object belonging to the corresponding object type, when this object is connected to a document of the corresponding document class."
However when I tested the following scenarios, I could not observe that behavior.
These were the scenarios I used.
User 1 with access to restricted document class class1
User 2 with access to restricted document class class2
Both users have no doc man admin access
for the class 1 only, a default object access level was set with object type work order with edit and view access enabled.
scenario 1:
user 1 creates a work order.
user 1 creates a document revision from the document class, class1.
work order ID is connected under objects of the document revision.
user 1 attaches the document from class 1 to the work order.
user 2 logs in and access the work order.
user 2 can not see the document.
scenario 2:
user 2 creates a work order.
new work order is also connected to the document revision previously made.
user 1 attaches the document to the new work order.
user 2 logs in again and search the work order.
user 2 still can not see the attachment.
I need to know the real functionality of the default object access levels settings.
Can user 2 ( DJI-UD2) access the restricted document from document class DJI-UD1 by any means through this setting?
Please help in understanding the functionality.